Join now explore as guest the 1 waifu community 35 000 weebs have joined mywaifulist.
Anime waifu names. Added 1 new result rika jougasaki and 2 new questions spoilers. We ve hand selected some pure waifus for you to name. Enter your name for diagnosis. Mirajane strauss fairy tail mayumi saegusa the irregular at magic high school violet.
With many to choose from with many personalities you will get the waifu best for you. Have the perfect personality that suits your tastes. If not take up the test below and see which one it could be. The best anime waifu website.
Waifu s taken from visual novels note. The undeniable best character in any anime series. Mywaifulist has over 19 000 waifus and husbandos from anime manga games visual novels and doujinshi. The definition of anime waifu literally means wifey material.
By andrew 3 years ago 2 years ago. Extremely thick other than that a lil bit annoying but she grows on you. 23 orihime inoue orihime inoue is a fictional character in the bleach manga series and its adaptations created by tite kubo. Can you name that waifu.
Do you think there is one who would be your soulmate since you have so much in common. A true weeb can name them all no problem. Are either beautiful cute confident or any other variation you consider attractive. Do you have what it takes.
Except narrowing the list down to 10 was nearly impossible so you re getting a couple bonus nominations bringing the grand total to 12. If your waifu aint here and wish it was do pm me and i ll consider adding it in and yes i will inform you if it got in or not. Without further adieu here are the 10 best waifu in anime that i ve found so far. These are the types of anime girls who.
Are a perfect fit for what you want in a girlfriend. If she is your waifu you better know her first and last name. What are you waiting for. First name at least 2.
Nekopara and neptunia girls coming in the next update along with lucky star characters and more from other anime s. A waifu is a female character from manga series one has a special affection for and if you are a fan of anime then you probably know one of the best characters. Waifu wars anime watchlists galleries and more. Nice body she can heal also nice body.
If you can t name the waifu name the anime. 117 073 people diagnosed 49 anime love waifu tweets result patterns 3 312 452 594 880.
Related topic:117 073 people diagnosed 49 anime love waifu tweets result patterns 3 312 452 594 880. If you can t name the waifu name the anime. Nice body she can heal also nice body.